Advertising in AsiaIntervention

Advertising opportunities are available in both print and online editions of AsiaIntervention, providing maximum exposure for brands and products relevant to the field of cardiovascular interventions. All advertisements must adhere to ethical, legal, and scientific standards to ensure transparency and maintain editorial integrity.

AsiaIntervention follows the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) guidelines (ICMJE Recommendations) and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) principles (COPE Principles). Advertisements do not influence the journal’s editorial decisions, content selection, or peer-review process.

Advertising in the journal is managed by Europa Digital & Publishing, and the editorial board does not participate in negotiations with companies wishing to advertise to maintain editorial independence. All advertisements are subject to review to ensure they meet ethical and industry standards. Advertisements must not include misleading claims, promote harmful products (such as tobacco), or imply endorsement by the journal. AsiaIntervention does not publish sponsored content.

For inquiries regarding print and digital advertising opportunities, please contact [email protected].