Long-term safety and performance of a dedicated stent for very long coronary lesions; thin-strut bioresorbable vascular scaffolds; feasibility and success of distal radial artery access; overcoming vascular access challenges in cardiogenic shock; interesting OCT findings after DEB angioplasty; choice of OCT catheters to minimise vascular trauma; and much more
Gone long, not wrong: BioMime Morph and a tale of coronary ambition
AsiaIntervention 2025;11:10-11
Drug-coated balloons – a promising technology that needs more understanding!
AsiaIntervention 2025;11:12-13
Less is more: a new “thin-king” for DES?
AsiaIntervention 2024;10:151-152
In-stent neoatherosclerosis: a new problem or an opportunity to rethink the treatment of coronary disease?
AsiaIntervention 2024;10:153-154
Less metal – the latest evolution in PCI
AsiaIntervention 2024;10:155-156
An update on PCI in diabetic patients with multivessel disease; current status of TAVR in China; novel angiographic classification after drug-coated balloon angioplasty; pseudoaneurysms due to stent infection post-PCI; radiation protection with RADPAD in the RADAR-CATH STUDY; and much more
Current status and challenges in the next steps for TAVR in China
AsiaIntervention 2024;10:96-97
Drug-coated balloon angioplasty for coronary de novo lesions – hype or hope?
AsiaIntervention 2024;10:98-99
Stent infections: elephant in the room
AsiaIntervention 2024;10:100-101