Submit your paper

You will find below the description of the single-blind review process of AsiaIntervention and some information regarding the acceptance of the manuscripts.


Review process


The submission and review process of all manuscripts are handled in Editorial manager:

After the submission, all the authors will be notified of the receipt of the manuscript by the editorial office. After the first evaluation of the paper, the notifications and editorial decisions will be sent by email to the corresponding author only.

During the review process, authors can check the status of their submitted manuscript via the online manuscript submission and review system.

The paper is first checked by the editorial office to ensure that the authors instructions have been adhered to and that all of the conflict of interest statements have been uploaded. When complete, it is presented to the Board of the Journal or a Chief Editor. Manuscripts are evaluated according to their originality, the interest of the readers, the clear methodology, the quality of the data and if the conclusions are supported by the data. After this first evaluation, the manuscript is either sent for review or rejected upfront, without entering into the review process.

If the Board decides that the manuscript merits review, experts are selected and the paper is immediately sent for peer review.


AsiaIntervention’s review process is a single-blind peer review; the reviewers’ names are kept confidential from the authors, but the reviewers are able to see the names of the authors. The reviewers are selected based on their expertise and knowledge related to the articles topics. Reviewers are required to maintain confidentiality about the manuscripts they review. When the comments of the reviewers have been received, the paper is presented back to the Board of the Journal for evaluation and the decision regarding the manuscript is taken collegially (reject, reject de-novo or revision). The corresponding author receives the decision along with comments of the experts and the Board. If the paper is accepted for revision, the authors have 3 months to submit the revised paper with the rebuttal letter. Once the authors have amended the manuscript in accordance with the reviewers comments, the manuscript is assessed to ensure the revised version meets quality expectations. The manuscript is sent to the Chief Editors for final approval prior to publication.

If Board members have a conflict of interest regarding the publication, they will not take part in the discussion and evaluation.



Authors can appeal the decision of the Editorial Board of AsiaIntervention by sending a letter explaining the reason(s) for their appeal and including the rebuttal letter with the revised manuscript to the Journal by email to: [email protected]

Appeals will be presented at the next Editorial Board meeting.


Manuscript acceptance



After the review process (usually 1-3 rounds of review) and if the manuscript has been accepted by the Editorial Board, the manuscript will be published in a forthcoming issue of the Journal.

Currrently, AsiaIntervention released two issues per year.

Accepted papers will be sent for proofing preparation and proofs will be sent to the authors via email. We kindly ask the authors to check them carefully, respond to the points/questions highlighted and return them promptly. Manuscripts will not be modified after acceptance (except for grammar/spelling/typographic errors). If the authors request changes to the text, the manuscript will re-enter the review process and be sent to the original reviewers for their evaluation.


Copyright information:

If your manuscript is accepted for publication, you will be fully responsible for the content of your article as it is submitted and will accept all the conditions including transfer of copyright of publication of your article to PCR Digital & Publishing (AsiaIntervention’s publisher).


Retractions and editorial expressions of concern:

The authors are responsible for the content of the manuscript. All of the authors must have read and approved the manuscript. All of the authors should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for parts of the content. Manuscripts are considered for review only under the conditions that they are not under consideration elsewhere.


If scientific misconduct is alleged, or concerns are otherwise raised about the conduct or integrity of work described in submitted or published papers, the Board of AsiaIntervention will follow the recommendation of COPE and ICMJE and will conduct an investigation. The Board of AsiaIntervention will contact the authors with their concerns to investigation. Should the Journal find evidence of their misconduct, the article will be retracted, the authors and their superiors will be contacted along with their institution. The reviewers and the readers will be informed.


Contacting us / author enquiries

Submission enquiries should be directed to the editorial office of the Journal:

Sylvie Lhoste, managing editor, [email protected]