Volume 11 – Number 1


Gone long, not wrong: BioMime Morph and a tale of coronary ambition
AsiaIntervention 2025;11:10-11

Coronary interventions

Long-term safety and performance of the BioMime Morph sirolimus-eluting coronary stent system for very long coronary lesions in real-world settings
AsiaIntervention 2025;11:14-25
“Distal radial first”: feasibility and safety for coronary angiography and PCI in Australia
AsiaIntervention 2025;11:35-43
Overcoming cardiogenic shock and vascular access challenges with LAVA-ECMO
AsiaIntervention 2025;11:44-45
Recanalisation of a chronic total occlusion in a left circumflex artery using a steerable microcatheter
AsiaIntervention 2025;11:46-47
Optical coherence tomography image with the three circles sign caused by the Z-shape phenomenon
AsiaIntervention 2025;11:50-51

Structural interventions

Initial experience with the Crea Aortic Valve System – a first-in-human study
AsiaIntervention 2025;11:52-59
Transcatheter tricuspid valve implantation with the Cardiovalve system
AsiaIntervention 2025;11:62-63
Percutaneous device closure of a perimembranous ventricular septal defect in a 2-month-old infant
AsiaIntervention 2025;11:64-66