Clinical prognostic value of a novel quantitative flow ratio from a single projection in patients with coronary bifurcation lesions treated with the provisional approach 
AsiaIntervention 2023;9:114-123
DEFINITION criteria for left main bifurcation stenting − from clinical need to a formula
AsiaIntervention 2023;9:20-24
Aggressive lipid-lowering therapy after percutaneous coronary intervention – for whom and how?
AsiaIntervention 2022;8:24-31
Impact of completeness of revascularisation on long-term outcomes in patients with multivessel disease undergoing PCI
AsiaIntervention 2021;7:35-44
Long-term safety and efficacy of the Resolute stent: 5-year results from the RESOLUTE China Registry
AsiaIntervention 2021;7:45-51
Antithrombotic therapy after percutaneous coronary intervention of bifurcation lesions
EuroIntervention 2021;17:59-66
Jailed balloons for side branch protection: a review of techniques and literature
AsiaIntervention 2020;6:15-24